27 Apr 2022

1. Rev. Dr. Charles Shaheen

Rev. Dr. Charles Shaheen is the founder and the president of Shalom Channel a Christian TV channel aimed to reach people with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. Global Mission Ministry

He is also the founder and the CEO (chief executive officer) of the Global Mission Ministry Inc.

3. Pentecostal church of Iisalmi, Finland

Presently, Rev. Shaheen serves God as the associate and mission Pastor at the Pentecostal church of Iisalmi, Finland.

4. Global Mission Bible Institute (GMBI)

He has traveled over forty nations of the world where he has conducted gospel crusades and Pastors/leaders seminars and conferences. He has taught at the FGA Bible College (FGA Theological Seminary) in Lahore, Pakistan and Iso Kirja (Finnish Bible college). He is the director of the Global Mission Bible Institute (GMBI) an online teaching program that is teaching and training Christian ministers every week in many nations of the world.

5. Keynote Speaker

He has been a keynote speaker in many Christian conferences such as Mid-summer conference in Finland where over 30,000 people attend the conference during five-days event.

6. Author

He has authored books such as “Serving God by Leading People”; “Ordinary people doing extraordinary things”; “Reformation needed then and now”. He is also the co-author of the book called “Vanhat kaivot: Suomen hengellinen perintö”: The Spiritual heritage of Finland with his wife Paula Shaheen.

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